
get stronger.



The sport of Weightlifting, also known as Olympic Weightlifting involves two lifts, the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. The combination of the highest weight lifted in each discipline is the athlete’s score or total. The highest total or weight lifted relative to bodyweight wins.

Weightlifting, aside from being a sport, has also been shown to improve key performance markers in athletes of all sports.  Few movements can increase peak power, average power output, peak force, and rate of force development like the Olympic lifts. Due to their complex nature, they also have huge benefits in teach body awareness, mobility, and stability. Necessities for all athletes. Moran Academy for Strength and Speed competes at the local to national level in the sport of Weightlifting.

Weightlifting is for athletes of all ages and experiences levels, come in for your free assessment and see what the sport can do for you!


The sport of Powerlifting involves three lifts: Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. The combination of the highest weight lifting in each discipline is the athlete’s score or total. The highest total or weight lifting relative to bodyweight wins.

Strength is never a weakness. The sport of Powerlifting is a great way to start your journey into the strength world. The sport of Powerlifting develops a high level of maximal strength and muscular size, allowing the participants to lift the most weight they are capable of. This added strength can help with all sports and fitness goals.

The Moran Academy for Strength and Speed powerlifting team competes locally in Indiana with athletes qualifying to compete on the national stage.

Come in for your free assessment and see what the sport can do for you!


Strength & Conditioning, Sports Performance, etc. are all names people are used to see when looking for ways to increase their performance. At MASS, we take it one step further and focus on the Long-Term Athletic Development of the athlete, rather than a quick fix.

Specializing in coaching children and teens, this involves exposure to as many fields of movements and ranges of motion as possible to develop total body coordination and awareness to raise their athletic potential long-term. We use science and experience to ensure that all strength, speed, and agility training is done in an intelligent and safe manner to increase strength, power, and speed while increasing resiliency and lowering the risk of injury during competition. Most importantly, FUN drives the training early on. A young athlete that is having fun is a young athlete that will win.

Schedule your free assessment when you’re ready to take you or your child’s performance to the next level.